Here is some feedback and testimonials I've received from helping people with their online businesses... I don't want to sound corny, but it's feedback like this that keeps me going :-) -Tim |
"You’ve helped me create my most effective banners, which has lead to generating an additional $120,000 in sales per month." -John Bresee

"Tim, when you first took a look at my web site, I had a 3% conversion ratio. Then I made the first adjustments you suggested - The next week I had a 7% conversion rate. The next week, I added the new sales letter and had a 10% conversion rate. I don't do math very well, but I think that's a 200% increase in my conversion rate. I am very excited!!! And I want to say 'thank you' for taking the time to work with me on an individual basis." - C.C., Pennsylvania (Name withheld due to competitive nature of business)

"I sincerely hope you experience a justifiable pride in what you have achieved for me so far Tim, I am overwhelmed that in 10 days you took my biz from moderately successful to OUTRAGEOUSLY successful - in such a short time you turned the vision I held for this product into reality!!" -- Lynda Gorman, NZ

"My profits are up 650% since you re-worked my web site! I've got a second web site I'd like you to work on as well, and you'll be getting a call from a friend of mine next week about his site too. I'm telling everyone not to use anybody but you! - Faye Barker

"WOW!!! Thank you!! You are a copywriting genius!! I love everything you have done to my website Tim! I'll remember this day as a major turning-point in my online business!" - Graeme Whittet

"My web site was up for several months without any sales at all until you 'operated' on it. Now I'm averaging one sale for every twenty visitors to my site, thanks Tim!" - Gary Molatore

"Tim, As usual, U R A G-nus." -Jan Tincher

"Just wanted to let you know that the combination of my web site and your targeted email marketing campaign has gotten my music CD national radio airplay on stations like WSIA, WAER radio in New York, to WVKR radio in Poughkeepsia, NY, KCHO in Chico, CA, WSCS in New London, New Hampshire, and several others. My CD is #23 on the NAV Music Charts this week - Who would have thought??! Thanks a lot! I'm very happy with all of your services. Sincerely, Arnold Mitchem / ADM Music"

"The email sales letter you wrote for me worked like a charm. It convinced 200 Webmasters to link to my new web site immediately, and this has basically ‘kick-started’ my site to the point where I’m getting 2-3 more links a day from sites I didn’t even contact! I’m getting about 1,500 hits a day, and this is a brand new site. Good work!" - Geoff McKay, Canada

"As soon as my website was done, I ran the $53 classified ad you wrote for me... and so far that ad has netted me $2,100 profit in under two weeks! I wasn't expecting anywhere near that response, and in the past I've lost money whenever I advertised, so I am very VERY happy!" - Tom Altavila, California

"I have gone through this course once and I am working my way through it again. This is definitely the best information I have ever seen, and Tim Gross does a marvelous presentation in explaining every step and procedure that I can use to build my own website, that will allow me to compete on a level playing field, with the best sites out there. This product is the answer to any "dummies" prayers. Bless you all, George Lamb".

"To date, I have seen nothing even close to what you have accomplished with this course." - Jerry Dill,

"First let me complement you are the incredible teaching and learning tool you have created with the 4 CD Internet Marketing Masters Course. I am 60 years old, have been around direct marketing, direct sales and network marketing for over 40 years and have had some major successes. I have seen just about everything there is called: teach, train, mentor, etc. I started going through the first CD on creating websites and photoshop. I learned, absorbed and made-my-own more skills in 3 hours than I believe I could have learned in a year at a computer class. I have taken several computer and software classes so I have a solid basis for comparison." - Lynford Theobald

"Tim, Thank you so much for those videos you put together on website design and real audio. With the guidance of your videos, it only took me 30 minutes to learn how to put real audio on our website. I've since been able to convert all of our companies "members only" calls into a real audio training archive. We now offer that as an extra benefit to customers, and have seen a 15% increase in conversion." - Eric Owens

"First, let me commend you for a GREAT course! I've been diligently going through ALL the videos, and so far have just finished one CD. You're definitely filling in a lot of the "holes" that I had in my knowledge. By trade I'm a PC instructor (teaching Microsoft Office to corporate clients), and I've been wanting to set up a web site. I had learned the basics of FrontPage and HTML, but was struggling with the graphics and some of the tricks" on tables (not to mention traffic and marketing!). Your course has helped immensely! I can't wait to get to the marketing info!" -Debbie Bellman

"I have a 22 year son, who seems lost. He has been attending college, working, but doesn't know what he wants to be or become. I have been trying for the last 8 years trying to get him interested in the computer/software industry with zero success. A few nights ago I asked him to find another place to live because his shiftless, negative attitude was a real drain on me. Next morning as the reality of losing his cushy lifestyle was setting in for him, I slipped the first CD (of your Internet Marketing Master Course) into my laptop replacing the video game he had been playing. I told I wanted him to evaluate this course and see if he might just learn something. I now have a kid with ambition, desire, a goal and hope of becoming a webdesigner, specializing in graphic arts. Now I (no, he's) gotta go buy PhotoShop." - L.T. (Full name withheld by request)

"Thanks Tim, your video web design tutorials saved me weeks of valuable time and gave me the confidence to get my first site off the ground ...the tutorials were much better than the official microsoft frontpage 2000 series... short, precise, easy to follow and review but more importantly they got me online in a hurry!" -Dr Craig Armstrong, Chiropractor - Perth, Australia

"Tim, I just had to write you today and let you know that you've done it again. The $100,000 Letter Book has unlocked the door to the product I was looking for and it was right in front of me all this time - me. Thanks once again for opening up my eyes to new possibilities." - William Hawkins

"Last night I was working off your Screencam CD rom to learn about Microsoft Frontpage and think what you have done is no less than fantastic. I learned more in 10 minutes of your tutorial than I learned in an hour of reading the Frontpage manual." - Bill Hays

"I wanted to write you personally and thank you for all the help you gave me over the past year. You may remember that when I first came to you I was dead broke and hanging on bankruptcy, living in a government house with about $150 a week to survive on. Here's an update... Now, almost twelve months later my girls and I have moved to rent a much larger house with 'room to move'. I've found a niche here in my community to share with small business website marketing strategies to help them improve the profitability of there websites.

Yes, I've pulled a few strings from every bow that I've found. I've literally poured through everything on website marketing that I could find, and that included watching and trying to apply everything single thing that I heard you ever had done. (Yep, you are my guide in this area) - Hope that's OK. <grin> Anyway, back to the "Tim Praise" - > I really wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm not wealthy by a long shot, but it's providing the basis of a good living (for the first time in five years since my wife took ill)
If this is how you work with people you don't even know, your clients must be over the moon." Paul Barrs

"Tim, thanks so much for putting my web pages on the right track. My sales went up 300% thanks to you and your suggestions. Your honest and upfront analysis of what I needed to do was easy to understand and apply. Sometimes small changes make the big difference. Keep up the great work!" -Sheldon Skidmore, FL

"Tim, It's hard to believe there are still people in this world as 'giving' as you have shown me you truly are. You were so gracious and generous with your knowledge and information on how to improve sales at my website that I have to shake my head just thinking about it. I told my wife last night that the short conversation you and I had on the phone probably provided me with countless 10's of thousands of dollars worth of real "in the bank" profits for me." - Hank Johnson, Jr.

"I got the 4 CDs yesterday, oh my gosh are they unreal! This with out a doubt the best thing I have ever come across." - Danny Pollock

"This has been the best investment I have ever made. I have already
made $730 just by using a couple of things. I am excited $730
in one day! Excellent! If I keep this up for a week, it will
be about $5000 dollars I made in a week. I am very very excited!" -M.D. Witt

"Tim Gross
is a top Internet marketer and copywriter. He's done fantastic work for
us and has increased the response of our ads from a minimum of
70% to over 500%. Pay close attention to whatever he has to say
- I guarantee you he'll give you new ideas on increasing your profits."
G. Allen, #1 N.Y. Times Best-Selling Author

implementing what I learned from just the first 17 pages, my sales
have increased over 150%! The information you offer is worth
many times over what I paid and, knowing what I do now, am confident that
I got the better end of the deal. One would be absolutely foolish to futily
attempt any online business strategy without this data! This program
truly, completely and utterly ROCKS!!! Thanks!!!" -Paul Fusch

information you give... is great. I have
taken many business courses in college, and the information I have gathered
through years of education has served me well... But I must say, 90%
of the information it took me years to learn is in your system! I wish I had it when I was starting out, it will benefit anyone who has
interest in business ownership or in management.
-Mark Woodard
